Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): MAAUN International Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Research and Innovations (MIMJRI)

Digital Inequality for Children with Disabilities: Prospects and Challenges

Published 12/18/2023


  • Digital Inequality,
  • ICT,
  • Children with Disabilities,
  • Special Teachers

How to Cite

Ravindra Kushwaha, K., Singh, C., & Sarfaraz , A. (2023). Digital Inequality for Children with Disabilities: Prospects and Challenges. Journal of Institute of Africa Higher Education Research and Innovation (IAHERI), 1(1). https://doi.org/10.59479/jiaheri.v1i001.19


Children with disabilities who have little to no access to computers are falling behind in learning the skills necessary for special education and for the modern workplace. The research cited in this article discusses the existence of a digital inequality, outlines the problems and difficulties of special teacher philosophies and behaviours in special school settings, recommends instructional strategies to train special teachers, and offers both causes and remedies for what is already happening. This article should discuss the prospects, issues, challenges, and impact the digital inequality has on children with disabilities. Additionally, look for articles that include information regarding special teachers' expectations of children with disabilities and solutions to bridge the digital inequality. A list of guiding questions is needed to help narrow down the list of articles that are found.