Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): MAAUN International Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Research and Innovations (MIMJRI)

Social Awareness Creation and Farmers’ Forest Conservation Practices in Obudu Local Government Area, Cross River State

Published 12/20/2023


  • Social,
  • awareness creation,
  • forest conservation,
  • farmers,
  • Obudu Local Government Area

How to Cite

Usang Onnoghen, N. ., Unimtiang Sylvanus, U., Ogbaji Ipuole , D., Afu Anthony, E., & OhamBassey, S. (2023). Social Awareness Creation and Farmers’ Forest Conservation Practices in Obudu Local Government Area, Cross River State. Journal of Institute of Africa Higher Education Research and Innovation (IAHERI), 1(1). https://doi.org/10.59479/jiaheri.v1i001.20


The main purpose of this study was to investigate social awareness creation and forest conservation among farmers in Obudu Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria. To give direction to this study, a research questions was raised and transformed into a null hypothesis based on the variables under study. The review of related literature was carried out accordingly in line with the specific objectives raised. Survey research design is adopted for the study. The targeted population was all the farmers in Obudu Local Government Area, Cross River State. Multiple sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the wards and six hundred and sixty-seven (667) respondents used for the study. Twenty (20) items modified four-point Likert scale questionnaire titled “social awareness creation and forest conservation Questionnaire” (SACFCQ) was used for data gathering. To test the hypotheses formulated for the study, simple linear regression statistical tool was used for data analysis. The hypotheses formulated were tested at .05 level of significance. The result of the analyses revealed that social awareness creation significantly influences forest conservation in the research area. Based on the findings it was recommended among other social awareness creation should be used more effectively in sensitizing and building the capacity of farmers to be able to cope with and adopt positive and forest conservation among farmers.