Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): MAAUN International Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Research and Innovations (MIMJRI)

Perception of Non-academic Staff on the use of Public Relations Strategies for TETFund Intervention Programmes in Select Universities in Nigeria

Published 03/06/2024


  • Perception,
  • Public relation,
  • Public Relations Strategies.

How to Cite

Ugba, G. H., Akase, T., & Akpede, K. (2024). Perception of Non-academic Staff on the use of Public Relations Strategies for TETFund Intervention Programmes in Select Universities in Nigeria. Journal of Institute of Africa Higher Education Research and Innovation (IAHERI), 1(1). https://doi.org/10.59479/jiaheri.v1i001.33


This paper explores the perception of non-academic staff on the use of Public Relations Strategies for TETFund
interventions in selected universities in Nigeria. Three research questions were formulated to guide and direct the
study. The researcher adopted the survey design method. The paper was anchored on diffusion of innovation theory
with data drawn from structured questionnaires for quantitative analysis. The paper had a population of 313, and was
administered with a nine-item questionnaire aimed at investigating the research questions. However, a total of 289
(92%) copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and 24 (8%) were not retrieved. The data gathered were analysed
using tables, frequencies, percentages and mean scores to answer the research questions using Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The findings revealed that there are various public relations strategies used
by non-academic staff in the select universities in accessing and managing TETFund interventions. It disclosed that
lobbying and good rapport with TETFund officials was the most important strategy used by staff in accessing and
managing interventions. The paper amongst others, recommends that the managements of the select Universities in
Nigeria should scale up the use of other public relations strategies in establishing and cementing ties between nonacademic staff of universities and TETFund