Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): MAAUN International Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Research and Innovations (MIMJRI)

Effects of Application of Multimedia Instructional Materials on Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Geography in Plateau State

Published 01/29/2025


  • Achievement,
  • Multimedia Instructional Materials,
  • Geography.

How to Cite

Dakur, , D. S., & Glory, A. O. (2025). Effects of Application of Multimedia Instructional Materials on Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Geography in Plateau State. Journal of Institute of Africa Higher Education Research and Innovation (IAHERI), 2(1). https://doi.org/10.59479/jiaheri.v2i1.58


The study investigated effects of multimedia instructional materials on Geography achievement of senior secondary two students in the study area. A quasi – experimental, non –equivalent control group design was used for the study. A sample of 94 students was drawn from intact classes of four randomly selected public and private secondary schools in the study area, while Geography Achievement Test (GAT) was used for data collection. Three research questions and four hypotheses were answered and tested respectively. The mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were used in testing the hypotheses at p < 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that multimedia materials improve students’ achievement in geography. It further revealed that there was no difference in the achievement of male and female students. Thus, students who were taught with multimedia materials understood Geography better than those taught without. It was consequently recommended that multimedia instructional materials should be used by teachers to teach Geography in senior secondary schools.