Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): MAAUN International Journal of Postgraduate studies (MIJPS)

Factors Influencing the Utilization of the Nursing Process in the Care of Patients among Nurses in Bauchi State

Published 01/29/2025


  • influences,
  • utilization,
  • nursing process,
  • care of patients.

How to Cite

Ahmed, S., & Adamu Gwarzo, A. (2025). Factors Influencing the Utilization of the Nursing Process in the Care of Patients among Nurses in Bauchi State. Journal of Institute of Africa Higher Education Research and Innovation (IAHERI), 1(1). https://doi.org/10.59479/jiaheri.v1i1.60


This study determined factors influencing the utilization of the nursing process in the care of patients in some selected hospitals in Bauchi State with the objectives of determining the nurses’ factors influencing the utilization of the nursing process in the care of patients and finding out the theory-practice gap factors influencing the utilization of the nursing process in the care of patients among nurses and midwives in Bauchi state.  Cross-sectional concurrent (parallel convergent) mixed-method research design was adopted. For quantitative study Simple random sampling technique was used to select hospital, proportionate stratified  sampling was used to draw nurses and midwives from 8 selected hospitals while the purposive sampling technique was used to proportionately select thirty-three (310) respondents and 15 respondents for quantitative and qualitative study respectively. Out of 310 questionnaire administered, 269/86.8% were retrieved and 12/80% out of 15 were interviewed. The findings revealed that nurses’ factors and theory-practice gap factors influenced the utilization of nursing process in the care of patients among nurses/midwives of Bauchi state. The Regulatory body and hospital administrators should provide necessary resources for utilization of the nursing process in the care of patients.